
来源: 欧洲侨报   时间:2021-04-02 19:17:34

Regulations of Hainan Province on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Overseas Chinese
(Adopted at the 24th Session of the Standing Committee of the 6th Hainan Provincial People’s Congress on December 2, 2020)


第一章 总则
Chapter 1 General Provisions
第二章 基本权益保护
Chapter 2 Protection of Basic Rights and Interests
第三章 投资创业保护
Chapter 3 Protection of Investment and Entrepreneurship
第四章 服务与保障
Chapter 4 Service and Guarantee
第五章 法律责任
Chapter 5 Legal Liabilities
第六章 附 则
Chapter 6 Supplementary Provisions

第一章 总 则
Chapter 1 General Provisions
第一条 为了保护华侨的合法权益,发挥华侨在本省经济社会发展和海南自由贸易港建设中的独特作用,根据宪法和有关法律、行政法规,结合本省实际,制定本条例。
Article 1 In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese and give full play to their unique role in the economic and social development of this Province and the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port, these Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Constitution and relevant laws and administrative regulations, and in light of the actual situation of this Province.
第二条 本条例适用于本省行政区域内华侨合法权益的保护。
Article 2 These Regulations shall apply to the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese in the administrative region of this Province.
For the purposes of these Regulations, "overseas Chinese" refers to Chinese citizens residing abroad. The identification of overseas Chinese shall be carried out by the competent departments of overseas Chinese affairs at or above the county level in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State.
第三条 华侨权益保护应当遵循平等保护的原则。
Article 3 The protection of the rights and interests of overseas Chinese shall follow the principle of equal protection.
Overseas Chinese enjoy the rights of citizens and shall fulfill their duties as citizens as stipulated in the Constitution and laws and regulations.
第四条 省侨务主管部门统一管理全省侨务工作,统筹协调有关部门和社会团体共同做好华侨权益保护工作。
Article 4 The provincial competant department of overseas Chinese affairs shall uniformly administer the work of overseas Chinese affairs in the whole province, and make overall plans and coordinate with relevant departments and social organizations to do a good job in the protection of the rights and interests of overseas Chinese.
The competant departments of overseas Chinese affairs at or above the county level shall encourage overseas Chinese to participate in the economic and social construction of this Province, provide them with legal, regulatory and policy advice and services, organize promotion of laws and regulations on the protection of the rights and interests of overseas Chinese and to supervise and inspect the implementation of such laws and regulations, and effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese.
The relevant departments of the people's government at all levels of this Province shall, according to their respective functions and duties, provide convenience for overseas Chinese to participate in the economic and social construction of this Province as well as to reside and live in this Province, and do a good job in protecting their rights and interests.
第五条 县级以上侨务主管部门负责建立本级侨务联席会议制度等侨务工作协调机制,研究协调解决华侨权益保护的重大事项。
Article 5 The competant departments of overseas Chinese affairs at or above the county level shall be responsible for establishing the overseas Chinese affairs work coordination mechanism such as the joint conference system for overseas Chinese affairs at the same level, and researching, coordinating and solving major issues concerning the protection of the rights and interests of overseas Chinese.
第六条 各级归国华侨联合会应当宣传贯彻侨务法律法规和政策,密切与华侨的联系,反映华侨的意愿和要求,为华侨提供政策咨询和法律服务,维护华侨的合法权益。
Article 6 Federations of returned overseas Chinese at all levels shall publicize and implement laws, regulations and policies concerning overseas Chinese affairs, keep close contact with overseas Chinese, reflect their wishes and requirements, provide overseas Chinese with policy consultation and legal services, and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.
第二章 基本权益保护
Chapter 2 Protection of Basic Rights and Interests
第七条 华侨依法享有参政议政的权利,各级侨务主管部门应当依法提供保障。
Article 7 Overseas Chinese enjoy the right to participate in and to discuss politics in accordance with the law, and the competent departments of overseas Chinese affairs at all levels shall guarantee the exercise of such right in accordance with the law.
People's congresses and Political Consultative Conference at or above the county level may invite overseas Chinese to attend the meetings.
第八条 在县级以下人民代表大会代表选举期间,华侨在中国境内的,可以在原户籍所在地或者出国前居住地进行选民登记,依法参加选举。
Article 8 During the election of deputies to the People's Congresses below the county level, overseas Chinese who are in China may register as electors at their place of original household registration or their place of residence before leaving the country and participate in elections in accordance with the law.
Overseas Chinese may participate in the election of the village (resident) committee of the village (residential area) where the original household registration is. If an overseas Chinese’s household registration is not in the village (residential area), but has lived in the village (residential area) for more than one year, and applies in writing to participate in the election, with the consent of the village (resident) meeting or village representative meeting, he or she can participate in the election of the village (resident) committee of the place of residence.
第九条 华侨申请在本省定居,符合本省规定条件的,由县级以上侨务主管部门受理并核发华侨回国定居证明,公安机关依据华侨回国定居证明和其他需要交验的材料为申请人办理常住户口登记手续。
Article 9 When an overseas Chinese applies for residence in this Province and meets the conditions prescribed by this Province, the competent department of overseas Chinese affairs at or above the county level shall accept the application and issue a certificate of overseas Chinese returning to China for settlement. The public security agency shall handle the formalities of permanent residence registration for the applicant on the basis of the certificate of overseas Chinese returning to China for settlement and other materials to be submitted for examination.
Overseas Chinese with inconsistent identity information at home and abroad who apply to settle in this Province and are verified to meet the prescribed conditions shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
Overseas Chinese talents who meet the needs of the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port and being introduced into this Province shall go through the formalities of settling down in this Province according to the regulations.
第十条 华侨在本省办理金融、教育、医疗、交通、电信、社会保险、财产登记、住宿登记、商事登记、婚姻登记等事项,需要提供身份证明的,可以凭本人的中华人民共和国护照证明身份。
Article 10 Overseas Chinese who need to provide identity certificates for handling finance, education, healthcare, communications, telecommunications, social insurance, property registration, accommodation registration, commercial registration and marriage registration and other matters in this Province, can prove their identity by presenting their passports of the People's Republic of China.
Relevant departments and units shall connect with the national entry-exit document identity authentication service platform, include passport of overseas Chinese as an identity document option in areas such as government services and public services, and handle the matters specified in the preceding paragraph for overseas Chinese in accordance with relevant national and provincial regulations.
第十一条 华侨因境外近亲属病危、死亡或者处理境外财产等特殊情况急需出境,需要在本省办理出入境证件的,出入境管理有关部门应当优先办理。
Article 11 Overseas Chinese who urgently need to leave the country due to special circumstances such as the critical illness, death of their close relatives abroad, or the handling of overseas property, and need to apply for entry and exit documents in this Province, the relevant departments of entry and exit administration shall give priority to them.
第十二条 华侨子女可以在其省内监护人户籍所在地或者经常居住地就读义务教育学校。有关部门应当为其办理就读手续。省内监护人的选择,依照民法典的规定确定。
Article 12 Children of overseas Chinese may attend compulsory education schools at the places where their guardians within the Province have registered residence or where they often reside. The relevant departments shall handle the formalities for their admission. The selection of guardians within the Province shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code.
Overseas Chinese students may, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State and this Province, take the high school  entrance examination at the places where their parents’ household registration was before going abroad or where their grandparents or maternal grandparents have registered residence, and enjoy the same treatment as local registered students.
Overseas Chinese students may, in accordance with the provisions of the State, sigh up for the entrance examination of General Institutes of Higher Education for the joint admission of students of overseas Chinese, and students from Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan region.
第十三条 华侨报考国家工作人员的,依照国家有关规定办理。
Article 13 The application of overseas Chinese for national staff shall be handled in accordance with relevant national regulations.
Overseas Chinese who are engaged in professional and technical work in the Province can participate in the relevant professional and technical qualification examination or review and enjoy the same treatment as similar personnel in the Province.
第十四条 华侨与用人单位依法建立劳动关系的,应当依法参加社会保险,由用人单位和华侨按照规定缴纳社会保险费用。华侨在本省灵活就业的,可以凭本人护照,按照有关规定参加社会保险。
Article 14 Overseas Chinese who establish a labor relationship with an employer in accordance with the law shall participate in social insurance in accordance with the law, and the employer and the overseas Chinese shall pay social insurance fees in accordance with regulations. Overseas Chinese who work flexibly in this Province can participate in social insurance with their passports in accordance with relevant regulations.
第十五条 华侨出国定居前已经参加基本养老保险的,可以选择继续保留基本养老保险个人账户,也可以申请一次性清退;选择继续保留的,华侨再次回本省居住或者就业时,其基本养老保险关系按照有关规定接续,缴费年限及个人账户余额累计计算。
Article 15 Overseas Chinese who have participated in the basic pension insurance before going abroad to settle down may choose to keep their personal accounts of basic pension insurance, or apply for a one-time settlement; if they choose to keep, when the overseas Chinese return to the Province to live or work again, their basic pension insurance shall be renewed in accordance with relevant regulations, and the payment period and personal account balance shall be calculated cumulatively.
第十六条 华侨在本省参加职工基本养老保险,达到法定退休年龄时累计缴费不足国家规定最低缴费年限的,可以按照国家和本省有关规定缴费至国家规定最低缴费年限。
Article 16 Overseas Chinese who participate in the basic pension insurance for employees in the Province, and when they reach the statutory retirement age, the cumulative payment is less than the minimum payment period specified by the State, they may pay to the minimum payment period specified by the State in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State and the Province.
Overseas Chinese who settle abroad after receiving the basic pension may continue to receive the basic pension. Overseas Chinese residing abroad shall provide the pension payment institution with the certificate of survival issued by the Chinese embassy (consulate) in the country where they are located or the notary office in their place of residence, or take other forms of proof determined by the provincial social insurance agency. Pension payment institutions shall pay basic pension in full and on time.
第十七条 在本省离休、退休后出国定居的华侨回本省就医的,可以按照国家和本省有关规定享受离休、退休医疗待遇。
Article 17 Overseas Chinese who have retired in this Province and settled abroad after retirement may, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State and this Province, enjoy retirement medical treatment when they return to this Province for medical treatment.
第十八条 华侨对其所有的房屋享有占有、使用、收益和处分的权利,任何单位和个人不得侵犯。
Article 18 Overseas Chinese have the right to occupy, use, make profit and dispose of the houses they own, which may not be infringed upon by any entity or individual.
Where the real estate built, purchased, inherited or accepted by overseas Chinese meets the conditions prescribed by laws and regulations, the real property registration agency shall make registration according to law.
Overseas Chinese may purchase houses in this Province in accordance with relevant regulations of the State and this Province.
第十九条 华侨原在农村使用的宅基地,以及继承房屋取得的宅基地,房屋产权没有变化的,可以依法申请不动产登记。
Article 19 Where there is no change in the property right of the homestead originally used by overseas Chinese in rural areas and the homestead acquired by inheriting houses, they may apply for real estate registration in accordance with the law.
If the house is demolished or collapsed and the original homestead has not been used for other purposes, the overseas Chinese may apply to continue to use the original homestead according to law.
When the original homestead has been arranged for other uses and there is a vacant homestead in the village, and overseas Chinese apply for homestead according to the relevant provisions, the rural collective economic organizations may make arrangements.
第二十条 华侨出国定居可以保留持有的农村集体经济组织股份,依法享有相应权利并履行相应义务。
Article 20 Overseas Chinese residing abroad may retain the shares they hold in rural collective economic organizations and enjoy corresponding rights and perform corresponding obligations according to law.
During the period of land contract, overseas Chinese who go abroad to settle down may, in accordance with the principle of voluntariness and compensation, transfer the land contractual management right within the collective economic organization or return the contracted land to the contracting party, or transfer the land management right according to law. No organization or individual may illegally detain, withhold, or otherwise seize the overseas Chinese’s land transfer proceeds.
If an overseas Chinese family returns the contracted arable land, woodland, grassland, orchards and fish ponds during the land contract period, it is entitled to appropriate compensation if it invests in the contracted land to improve the productive capacity of the land.
第二十一条 为了公共利益需要,征收华侨房屋等不动产的,应当按照法律法规给予补偿和安置。
Article 21 Where an overseas Chinese’s house and other real estate are expropriated for the public interest, compensation and resettlement shall be provided according to laws and regulations.
The expropriation of overseas Chinese houses shall be announced in accordance with the law. If the overseas Chinese are not in the country, the expropriator may notify the owner of the house through the assistance of the relatives or agents of the overseas Chinese in the Province, or notify the owner of the house by mail, and sign a compensation and resettlement agreement with them. If the compensation and resettlement agreement cannot be reached, it shall be dealt with in accordance with laws and regulations.
第二十二条 鼓励、支持和引导华侨及其投资企业和华侨社会团体依法参与慈善事业。对在慈善事业中作出突出贡献的华侨,按有关规定给予表彰。
Article 22 Overseas Chinese, enterprises they invest and overseas Chinese social organizations are encouraged, supported and guided to participate in charitable undertakings in accordance with the law. The overseas Chinese who have made outstanding contributions to charity will be commended in accordance with relevant regulations.
Property donated by overseas Chinese and its value added shall be protected by law. No entity or individual may seize, misappropriate or damage it, or change its use. If it is necessary to change its use, the consent of the donor shall be obtained in advance.
For public interest, if donations are expropriated or requisitioned in accordance with the law, the reason should be explained to the donor in advance. If it is stipulated by the State that compensation and resettlement should be provided, the compensated money and material should be used for related public welfare undertakings according to the donor’s wishes, while retaining the donor’s Donate reputation.
第二十三条 县级以上侨务主管部门应当做好华侨捐赠项目数据库建设,完善华侨捐赠信息发布和查询制度,方便捐赠人查询了解捐赠资金、物资、项目的使用和管理情况。
Article 23 The competent departments of overseas Chinese affairs at or above the county level shall build a database of overseas Chinese donated projects, improve the information release and inquiry system of overseas Chinese donations, and facilitate donors to inquire about the use and management of donated funds, materials, and projects.
If the donor requests the confidentiality of the donation information, the donee shall keep it confidential. If public reports and commendations are required, the donor’s consent shall be obtained in advance.
第二十四条 县级以上侨务主管部门应当加强对华侨历史文化遗产的调查研究和保护利用,编制华侨历史文化遗产目录,制定华侨文化遗产保护、开发和利用制度,明确保护利用责任主体,落实保护措施。华侨历史文化遗产包括具有重要纪念意义、教育意义以及历史价值的重要史迹、实物、代表性建筑、手稿、文献资料等。
Article 24 The competent departments of overseas Chinese affairs at or above the county level shall strengthen the investigation, research, protection and utilization of overseas Chinese historical and cultural heritage, compile a catalog of overseas Chinese historical and cultural heritage, formulate a system for the protection, development and utilization of overseas Chinese historical and cultural heritage, clarify the main body of responsibility for protection and utilization, and implement protection measures. The overseas Chinese historical and cultural heritage includes important historical sites, objects, representative buildings, manuscripts, documents with important commemorative, educational and historical value.
Property owners or right holders of overseas Chinese houses are encouraged to rationally use overseas Chinese houses with historical and cultural value to develop the tourism industry.
第三章 投资创业保护
Chapter 3 Protection of Investment and Entrepreneurship
第二十五条 鼓励和支持华侨参与海南自由贸易港建设,在建设全面深化改革开放试验区、国家生态文明试验区、国际旅游消费中心、国家重大战略服务保障区中,发挥华侨在海内外联系广泛的独特作用。
Article 25 Overseas Chinese are encouraged and supported to participate in the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port, give full play to the unique role of overseas Chinese with extensive contacts at home and abroad in building experimental zones for comprehensively deepening reform and opening up, national ecological civilization experimental zones, international tourism consumption centers and major national strategic service guarantee zones.
Overseas Chinese are encouraged and supported to participate in the construction of tourism, modern services, high-tech industries and key industrial parks in the Province, so as to give full play to their advantages in talent, technology and capital.
Overseas Chinese are encouraged and supported to participate in the cooperation and exchanges and non-governmental friendly exchanges in the fields of foreign economy, science and technology, tourism and culture, education, health, sports and other fields carried out by the Province, and to play an important role as a bridge.
第二十六条 华侨回国创业、就业,符合本省人才引进条件的,按照有关规定给予相应工作条件和生活待遇。
Article 26 Overseas Chinese who return to China to start businesses or find employment and meet the conditions for the introduction of talents of this Province shall be given corresponding working conditions and living treatment in accordance with the relevant provisions.
People's governments and relevant departments at all levels shall provide convenience for overseas Chinese talents and their families in handling household registration, healthcare, finance, education, entry and exit procedures, project application, qualification review, and scientific research.
第二十七条 鼓励和支持华侨以个人、企业或者其他经济组织的名义在本省投资创业。华侨在本省投资的,参照外商投资法及其实施条例执行。
Article 27 Overseas Chinese are encouraged and supported to invest and start businesses in this Province by means of individuals, enterprises or other economic organizations. Where overseas Chinese invest in this province, the Foreign Investment Law and its implementing regulations shall be referenced.
第二十八条 华侨投资企业依法享有自主经营权,任何组织和个人不得非法干预和侵犯。
Article 28 Enterprises invested by overseas Chinese shall enjoy the right of independent operation according to law, and no organization or individual may illegally interfere with or infringe upon them.
After-tax profits from legitimate investments made by overseas Chinese, personal funds after liquidation and other legitimate earnings may be remitted overseas according to law. Without legal procedures, the property of overseas Chinese-invested enterprises shall not be sealed up or seized, and overseas Chinese-invested enterprises shall not be ordered to suspend production or operation.
Charging Items and the rate of fees for overseas Chinese-invested enterprises shall be set according to laws and regulations. No entity or individual may set up charging items, raise charging standards or charge fees repeatedly without authorization.
No organization or individual may violate the provisions of laws and regulations by forcing or in a disguised form to force overseas Chinese-invested enterprises to participate in various kinds of training, appraisal, authentication, assessment, sponsorship, donation and other activities.
第二十九条 华侨投资企业可以依法参加政府采购,任何组织和个人不得以不合理的条件对其实行差别待遇或者歧视待遇。
Article 29 Overseas Chinese-invested enterprises may participate in government procurement according to law. No organization or individual may give them differential or discriminatory treatment under unreasonable conditions.
第三十条 鼓励和支持华侨在本省依法设立研究开发机构,研究开发新技术、新产品、新工艺。华侨在本省投资设立研究开发机构的,适用政府扶持企业技术创新的相关优惠政策。
Article 30 Overseas Chinese are encouraged and supported to set up research and development institutions in accordance with the law in this Province to conduct research and develop new technologies, products and processes. Where overseas Chinese invest in setting up research and development institutions in this Province, the relevant preferential policies of the government to support technological innovation of enterprises shall apply.
Overseas Chinese enterprises are supported to carry out coopertation with institutions of higher learning and research institutes in the form of commissioned R & D, technology licensing, technology transfer, technology shareholding, and jointly building R and D institutions.
Overseas Chinese are supported to build or participate in the construction of high-level think tanks and soft science research bases, put forward consulting proposals, and provide basis and support for scientific decision-making.
第三十一条 鼓励华侨及其投资的企业或者其他经济组织开展专利申请、商标注册和著作权登记等活动。
Article 31 Overseas Chinese and the enterprises or other economic organizations they invest are encouraged to apply for patents, register trademarks and register copyright.
Overseas Chinese and the enterprises or other economic organizations they invest may independently decide to transfer the scientific and technological achievements they hold in accordance with the law, and carry out the transformation activities of the achievements by means of transfer or equity purchase. Overseas Chinese who use their patents, know-how and other scientific and technological achievements to invest and start businesses can enjoy relevant preferential policies for overseas students returning to China to start businesses.
第三十二条 政府主导的人才引进及创新创业资金、科技专项资金、各类产业发展扶持资金等,对华侨投资设立的研发机构或者企业予以同等支持。
Article 32 The government-led funds for the introduction of talents, innovation and entrepreneurship, special funds for science and technology, and funds for supporting the development of various industries shall give equal support to research and development institutions or enterprises established by overseas Chinese.
Overseas Chinese may, in accordance with the relevant provisions, apply for all types of science and technology planning projects and other types of industrialization projects of this Province.
第三十三条 金融机构应当依法为华侨投资者提供金融服务。支持华侨投资企业依法通过信贷、发行股票和债券等方式融资。
Article 33 Financial institutions shall provide financial services for overseas Chinese investors according to law. Overseas Chinese-invested enterprises are supported to raise funds by means of credit and issuing stocks and bonds according to law.
第四章 服务与保障
Chapter 4 Service and Guarantee
第三十四条 县级以上人民政府政务服务机构应当设立侨务服务窗口,集中办理涉侨服务事项,为华侨提供法律法规和政策咨询、政务信息查询、华侨人才管理等各方面公共服务。
Article 34 The government service agencies of the people's government at or above the county level shall set up service windows for overseas Chinese affairs, centrally handle service matters related to overseas Chinese, and provide overseas Chinese with laws, regulations and policy consultation, government information inquiry, overseas Chinese talent management and other public services.
The competant departments of overseas Chinese affairs at or above the county level shall establish and improve an online platform for overseas chinese services, and connect with the integrated online government service platform of Hainan Province, so as to realize on-line consultation, on-line application, on-line handling and on-line feedback on overseas chinese affairs services.
第三十五条 华侨合法权益受到侵害的,可以依法通过下列途径解决:
Article 35 Where the legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese are infringed upon, solutions may be made through the following ways according to law:
(1) settling through negotiation or mediation;
(2) filing complaints with the competent departments of overseas Chinese affairs and other relevant departments and organizations;
(3) applying for administrative ruling or administrative reconsideration;
(4) applying for arbitration;
(5) filing a lawsuit with the people's court.
Overseas Chinese in financial difficulties may obtain legal aid or judicial assistance in accordance with relevant regulations of the State and this Province.
第三十六条 华侨的财产权、名誉权、荣誉权等合法权益受到侵害的,可以向县级以上侨务主管部门和其他有关部门、组织投诉。
Article 36 Where the legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese are infringed upon, such as proprietary rights,  the right to reputation and the right to honor, they may file complaints with the competent departments of overseas Chinese affairs at or above the county level and other relevant departments and organizations.
The competent departments of overseas Chinese affairs at or above the county level and other relevant departments and organizations shall accept the case according to law. Those belonging to the responsibilities of the department or the organization shall be dealt with in a timely manner, and the results of the dealing shall be reported back in time. If the case does not fall within the responsibilities of the department or organization, it shall be transferred to other relevant departments or organizations for handling in a timely manner and inform the complainant. The competent departments of overseas Chinese affairs shall supervise and urge relevant departments and organizations to handle the complaints in a timely manner.
第五章 法律责任
Chapter 5 Legal Liabilities
第三十七条 违反本条例,法律法规已有处罚规定的,从其规定。
Article 37 For violations of these Regulations, the provisions of laws and regulations on penalties shall prevail.
第三十八条 国家机关及其工作人员有下列情形之一,致使华侨合法权益受到侵害的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:
Article 38 If a state agency and its staff have one of the following circumstances that cause the legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese to be infringed, the directly responsible person in charge and other directly responsible personnel shall be punished according to law; if the case constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated:
(1) failing to make compensation and resettlement for the expropriation and requisition of overseas Chinese houses and other real properties in accordance with regulations;
(2) unauthorized sealing up or seizure of the property of overseas Chinese-invested enterprises or ordering them to suspend production or business operations;
(3) setting up charging items, raising the charging standards or charging fees repeatedly for overseas Chinese-invested enterprises without authorization;
(4) applying differential or discriminatory treatment to overseas Chinese in government procurement, recruitment of national staff and other activities;
(5) other acts that infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese.
第三十九条 其他组织和个人违反本条例规定,有下列情形之一的,应当依法承担民事责任或者行政责任;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:
Article 39 Any other organization or individual in any of the following circumstances, in violation of the provisions of these Regulations, shall bear civil or administrative liabilities according to law; If the case constitutes a crime, criminal liabilities shall be investigated:
(1) illegally intercepting, withholding or otherwise misappropriating overseas Chinese’s land transfer proceeds;
(2) illegally misappropriating overseas Chinese investments and investment returns;
(3) other infringements upon the legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese.
第六章 附 则
Chapter 6 Supplementary Provisions
第四十条 本省赴香港、澳门特别行政区定居人员在本省的合法权益保护,可以参照适用本条例。
Article 40 These Regulations may apply with reference to the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the residents of this Province who have settled in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Macao Special Administrative Region.
第四十一条 外籍华人在本省的正当权益,依照法律法规和本省有关规定予以保护。
Article 41 The legitimate rights and interests of foreign citizen of Chinese origin in this Province shall be protected in accordance with the laws and regulations and the relevant provisions of this Province.
第四十二条 本条例自2021年1月1日起施行。
Article 42 These Regulations shall enter into force as of January 1, 2021.



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